Contact, Directions & FAQs2024-07-27T20:53:25+00:00

Contact & Directions

Parkmont School
4842 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20011

Telephone: 202-726-0740
Fax: 202-726-0748

We are located a block south of Carter-Barron Amphitheatre on the corner of 16th Street and Blagden Avenue, and a couple of miles north of Mount Pleasant.
Public Transportation: We are on the S2/S4 bus line. You can take the S2/S4 bus from the Silver Spring Metro (red line), or from the Columbia Heights metro (green line) – the bus stop is a 2-block walk from the metro stop.
Driving: There is 2-hour street parking on Blagden Avenue beside the school.
Please use the walkway that leads you to the front entrance of the school on 16th Street, enter the building, and check-in at the office to the right when you walk inside.


8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday


Does Parkmont have a cafeteria or food service?2021-07-23T20:56:02+00:00

Parkmont does not have a cafeteria. Students bring their own lunches to school (microwaves are available) and on Tuesdays and Thursdays the school has pizza delivered which students can buy.

Are uniforms required?2020-11-23T17:07:40+00:00

Parkmont does not require uniforms but has established dress code guidelines.

Do you provide transportation?2020-11-23T17:06:52+00:00

No. Parkmont does not provide transportation to or from school. Many students utilize the Metro and bus to get to and from school. There are several bus stops located on 16th Street, and the S2/S4 bus lines stop near or in front of the school.

What are the school’s hours?2022-02-01T16:21:23+00:00

The student’s school day runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please find our Daily Schedule here.

Where are most Parkmont families from geographically?2020-11-23T17:05:43+00:00

70% come from Washington, DC; 25% from Maryland; the remaining 5% from Virginia.

Does Parkmont offer financial aid?2022-02-01T16:16:13+00:00

Yes. Parkmont offers need-based financial aid grants on a first-come, first-served basis. We strive to provide a level of financial aid that precludes any family’s financial situation from being a barrier to admissions. However, the financial aid fund is finite and so the earlier a family applies for aid, the better. For more information, visit the Tuition & Financial Aid section.

How much is tuition?2024-07-10T17:50:05+00:00

Our 2024-2025 tuition is $43,800.

What is the application deadline?2021-10-25T18:20:21+00:00

Admissions at Parkmont operates on a rolling basis, which means that we accept students as they apply. Priority is given to early applicants and it is recommended that applications be made by the end of March for the following school year, as the number of spaces is limited.

Is there an admissions test?2020-11-23T17:04:14+00:00

Parkmont does not require any admissions testing. However, if available, parents should submit recent educational testing with the application. Students are given informal writing and math assessments during the visit to the school.

Is Parkmont accredited or affiliated with any certification organizations?2020-11-23T17:03:49+00:00

Parkmont is an independent school accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland Schools (AIMS). It is a member of the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington (AISGW), National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the Washington Small Schools Association (WSSA), and the Black Student Fund.

Is the school affiliated with any religion?2020-11-23T17:03:24+00:00

No, Parkmont is non-sectarian.

What is Parkmont’s total enrollment?2020-11-23T17:02:52+00:00

No more than 65 students.

What is your average class size?2021-10-25T18:21:57+00:00

Eight to ten students.

What is your student/faculty ratio?2020-11-23T17:02:06+00:00

6:1 student to teacher ratio.

When was Parkmont established?2020-11-23T17:01:30+00:00


Who should complete my child’s recommendation?2022-02-01T16:23:35+00:00
We encourage you to select people who have worked closely with your child and can speak to your child’s academic/social-emotional skills. People who can describe your child’s strengths and challenges and the environment in which they would thrive would be ideal. These are often classroom teachers, but could also be tutors, coaches, mentors, etc. We accept standard letters or either the AISGW common recommendation form or AIMS common application recommendation form.
How may I submit the application fee?2024-07-10T17:50:45+00:00

You may submit your $75 fee via PayPal OR send a check payable to Parkmont School to our address: Parkmont School Attn: Admissions, 4842 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011

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