Thanks for considering a gift to Parkmont!

Parkmont School is grateful to have had the support of many friends over our 51 years. Through our Annual Giving Campaign, alums, parents, staff, foundations, and generous friends have helped us come up with the resources we need, beyond tuition, to do all that we do. Our goal for Annual Giving this year is $50,000. With your contribution, you will be providing support for curriculum development, textbooks, teacher salaries, field trips, our internship program, the arts, and much, much more.


You can donate online securely with your credit card through PayPal.

By Phone

If paying by credit card, please call the Development Office at (202) 726-0740 ext. 2 with your credit card information ready.

By Check

Please make your check payable to Parkmont School. Mail your check to:

Annual Giving Campaign
Parkmont School
4842 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20011

Our Funds:

Please specify if you would like to have your contribution counted towards one of our Annual Giving Funds!

The Popkin Fund was established by Belle Popkin’s daughter, Susan Willens, during her tenure on the Parkmont Board in 1991. The Popkin Fund enriches our program by covering the cost of our Gift-a-Book program, which allows each student and staff member to receive a book of their choice to read during the holiday season.

The Pellaton Fund was established by the Pellaton Family in memory of their son, Randy. The Pellaton Fund supports Middle School outdoor field trips and adventures at Parkmont. These include trips to Great Falls, Greenbrier State Park, and a camping trip in the Shenandoah Mountains. 

The Lentz Fund was established by Parkmont for John Lentz’s training of Parkmont staff and support for our adventures out in the world. The Lentz Fund helps us fund trips, one of our signature programs at Parkmont. In the spring of 2019, a group of Upper School students toured the Coastal Carolinas with the support of the Lentz Fund.